The North Carolina Federation is a non-profit organization that fosters communication between square, round and folk dancers, clubs, and dance leaders throughout the state of North Carolina.
The Federation sponsors quarterly dances and meetings, and hosts the annual dance convention in August of each year in Raleigh, the state capital.
President: Ed & Bev Dickinson
email: eddickinson81@gmail.com
Vice President: Hannah Lawton
email: hlawton@asheboro.k12.nc.us
Secretary: Terry Gleason
email: gleasonterrence@gmail.com
Treasurer: Sharon Baldwin
email: shecallerhedancer@gmail.com
Past President: Randy & Susan Bowers
email: bowers@triad.rr.com
Any member club can host the fall, winter or spring Federation Dance. Many clubs have been hesitant to host because of the worry that it could be a money losing proposition. The Federation will ensure that a financial loss doesn't occur.
If your club is interested in hosting, please contact Roger Routh for more details.
There will not be a 2024 NC State Convention!
Click on the Dance Flyers link below for a group of other dances
if you are having a dance send your
flyer to EdDickinson81@gmail.com and I will post it.
The Promenade is published online each quarter.
It provides news and views of the Federation officers, committees and member clubs. It is edited by
David & Christina Atkins who welcome contributions from members about their club activities.
Click on a Promenade button to view
and/or download a recent copy.